Where can I learn more about Susan Poorman Blackie Ovarian Cancer Foundation’s financial data and IRS information?
You may see our most recent IRS Form 990PF at the Foundation Center
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law and you will be given a receipt for U.S. tax purposes.
What is Susan Poorman Blackie Ovarian Cancer Foundation’s Tax ID number?
Susan Poorman Blackie Ovarian Cancer Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  The EIN Federal Tax ID number is 46-1258604.
For questions on donations (ways to donate, donation receipts or issues), who do I contact?
If you have any questions about making a donation or for any issues with your donation, please contact info@spbocf.org or call us at 800.428.4682.

I’m interested in volunteering for the Susan Poorman Blackie Ovarian Cancer Foundation – how do I get involved?
Please send an email with your contact information and availability to info@spbocf.org and we’ll be in touch.